Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1 hour late start!

Shout out to the Polar Vortex which knocked out the heat in our building and contributed to a one hour late start at work.  It was so cold this morning that most every school in the state of Iowa cancelled for the day.  I think the news said 1996 was the last it was this cold.  After I got to work I sat at my desk in my Ugg's with a space heater blowing on my feet.  

Even though it was cold and dreary outside it was an extremely productive day inside.  I got to sit in my first Monday morning board meeting.  We started off by reviewing the latest movies, one coworker had some big news to share....she got a puppy!  After re-capping everyone's weekend we got down to business.  Weekly meetings start with a report from ABI's President and then move around the table to cover ABI Foundation news and everyone else in the office.

This being my first experience working in an actual office I have learned a lot about how much you MUST communicate with each other.  Especially in a small, non-profit organizations like ABI, everyone helps everyone else with their events, questions, or assignments.  I have seen how many meetings, conference calls, and emails are sent each day just to keep everyone up to speed on happenings.

I got a paragraph in the Monday Memo ------->  Kirsten Van Zuiden has joined the ABI Foundation as a program intern for the month of January.  Kirsten, a native of Carroll, is a student a Buena Vista University in Storm Lake and a member of the current class of Leadership Iowa University.  Kirsten is terrific young lady and we are excited she is with us; please join us in welcoming her to the Foundation.

Tomorrow is jam-packed with meetings and working out last minute logistics for our Leadership Iowa session next week.  I am really looking forward to spending time at Camp Dodge and learning about how the State of Iowa handles emergencies and natural disasters.  

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